PUBLICATIONS, Nominations,
Runner Ups, Honorable Mentions,
Contest Finalists, Winnings,
and Interviews:
Skyway Nominations: Creative Nonfiction & Poetry (2013)
Skyway Nominations: Creative Nonfiction (2015)
Skyway Nominations: Fiction & Plays (2017)
Skyway Nominations: Fiction, Plays, & Poetry (2018)
Skyway Nominations: Fiction & Plays (2019)
Pushcart Prize Nominations: Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, & Poetry (2020 & 2021)
Tracing the Infinite, print anthology, Another Valentine, poetry (2005)
Who's Who in Poetry, print anthology, Maria's Broken Heart, poetry (2006)
Spark Literary Journal (print): Cruel Child, micro-fiction (2016)
WOW! Women on Writing, Honorable Mention: Disciplined Discipline, creative nonfiction (2017)
Illinois State Poetry Society (ISPS) Website: Christopher, poetry (2017)
Illinois State Poetry Society (ISPS) Website: My Firstborn, Sleep Peacefully, The World is Dark, poetry (2018)
Spark Literary Journal (print): The Last Time I Saw My Father, creative nonfiction (2018)
Spark Literary Journal (print): Hate Me Now, poetry (2018)
Spark Literary Journal (print): The Moment That Never Ends, poetry (2018)
NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Challenge, 1st place in her tier in round one: What Eyes Can’t See, flash fiction (2018)
The Scarlet Leaf Review: Fractured, Spring (Haiku), Deception, You Held My Hand, poetry (2018)
ISPS Anthology, Distilled Lives (print): Mariah’s Broken Heart, poetry (2018)
ISPS Anthology, Distilled Lives (print): At Peace, poetry (2018)
WOW! Women on Writing, Finalist: My First Camel Ride, creative nonfiction (2018)
WOW! Women on Writing, Honorable Mention: Invisible Love, flash fiction (2018)
Spark Literary Journal (print): Flickering Thoughts, flash fiction (2019)
Spark Literary Journal (print): Touch, Swipe, and Kiss, flash fiction (2019)
Spark Literary Journal (print): Radiating Love, poetry (2019)
WOW! Women on Writing, Runner Up & Published online: Fragments of Bones, flash fiction (2019)
WOW! Women on Writing, Honorable Mention: My First Camel Ride, creative nonfiction (2019)
WOW! Women on Writing, Honorable Mention: Drowning Under Pressure, flash fiction (2019)
WOW! Women on Writing, Honorable Mention: Yellow Carnations, flash fiction (2019)
WOW! Women on Writing, Finalist: Freedom, flash fiction (2019)
Yearning to Breathe Free by The Moonstone Art Center (print): Proud to be American, poetry (2019)
The Book Smuggler’s Den: My New Year’s Wish to You, poetry (2019)
WOW! Women on Writing, Finalist: Marrakech, creative nonfiction (2020)
The Scarlet Leaf Review: Hidden Voices, My Childhood/Nightmare, Hurt By Him, Not My Son, Living Above Your Fears, poetry (2020)
WOW! Women on Writing, Finalist: Priceless, flash fiction (2020)
Spark Literary Journal (print): The Porcelain Doll, creative nonfiction (2020)
Spark Literary Journal (print): Open Books, poetry (2020)
Spark Literary Journal (print): Leaving Too Soon, poetry (2020)
Unlimited Literature Magazine: Radiating Love, the poem of the month (2020)
WOW! Women on Writing, Runner Up & Published online: Why I Hate Yellow Peas, creative nonfiction (2020)
Tint Journal: To Live, creative nonfiction (2020)
Ariel’s Dream Literary Journal: Drowning Under Pressure, flash fiction (2020)
Ariel’s Dream Literary Journal: Living Above Your Fears, Into the Light, poetry (2020)
Ariel’s Dream Literary Journal: Why I Hate Yellow Peas, creative nonfiction (2020)
Ariel’s Dream Literary Journal: Radiating Love, poetry (2020)
Ariel Publishing, LLC: Why I Hate Yellow Peas (2020)
Unlimited Literature Magazine: Dandelion, poetry (2020)
Unlimited Literature Magazine (audio recording): Dandelion, Radiating Love, poetry (2020)
Unlimited Literature Magazine: Deception, poetry (2020)
Unlimited Literature Magazine: Hidden Voices, poetry (2020)
Beautiful Words by Ariel Publishing: The Last Time I Saw My Father, creative nonfiction (2020)
Beautiful Words by Ariel Publishing: Leaving Too Soon, poetry (2020)
Beautiful Words by Ariel Publishing: Fragments of Bones, flash fiction (2020)
Unlimited Literature Magazine: The Porcelain Doll, creative nonfiction (2020)
Unlimited Literature Magazine (print & electronic version,1st Issue): To Live, creative nonfiction, Past and Present Entwined, poetry, My First Camel Ride, creative nonfiction, Drowning Under Pressure, flash fiction, What Now? poetry, Vintage Dancers, Before the Night, Orchids, Spring in Pink, Art/Photography (2020)
Pages & Spine: The Brooch on Bear Mountain, flash fiction (2020)
WOW! Women on Writing, Finalist: Love and Beyond, flash fiction (2020)
NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Challenge, 3rd place in round two in her tier: Lake Slowfall, flash fiction (2020)
Ariel’s Dream Literary Journal (print & electronic version,1st Issue): To Live, creative nonfiction, Leaving Too Soon, poetry, Fragments of Bones, flash fiction, Art/Photography (2020)
Unlimited Literature, The Moment that Never Ends, poetry, audio recording (2021)
Unlimited Literature, Believe, poetry (2021)
and more...
WOW! Women on Writing Interview with Izabelle in The Muffin on January 14, 2020.
Interview by Tint Journal with Izabelle, March 2020.
I'm a butterfly opening its wings to fly, conquering my fears...
Sometimes it feels like a race... submit, submit, submit.